Revised Third or '20th Anniversary' Edition published by RS Press, 2020
New interior layout and cover, minor revisions to main chapters, heavily updated Epilogue - especially concerning Sphinx erosion, and new 'voids' discovered in Great Pyramid

English Language Editions
UK Hardback (ISBN 1852278218) published by Virgin in 1999
UK Paperback (ISBN 075350412X) published by Virgin in 2000 (included significantly updated Epilogue)
US Paperback (ISBN 1931229139) published by Invisible Cities Press in 2001 (included further updates to Epilogue)

Foreign Editions
Italian Hardback (ISBN 8882894754) published by Newton and Compton in 2000
Italian Paperback published by Newton and Compton in 2005
(both under the title Il Codice di Giza)